Monday, October 29, 2012

The Big Sleep

On the 5th of October, I worked as security for The Big Sleep. To begin with, we first saw a presentation about what basically The Big Sleep is about called “A World without Mirrors”. The Point of this presentation was to raise awareness about street children that are suffering every night without a bed or a home to sleep in. After the presentations, Mr. Land tried to establish a Skype Video chat with the founder of the organization named Duncan; however there were some service and connections issues that we could not surpass. This was very unfortunate because I was looking forward to seeing and speaking with the street children of Guatemala.

 After everything was over, the securities were free to roam around all areas of the school and fields to help and supervise the children. We were aloud to sleep in the Black box inside the school which was better than outside, but still very cold. My Shifts took place form 12:00 to 1:00am then from 4:00 to 5:00am. During our shifts we were expected to walk around and make sure that the students that were sleeping outside were actually sleeping and not running around or talking. Many people went to sleep before their shifts, so that they could have enough energy to stand outside in the freezing cold watching the kids. This was an amazing life learning experience, yet also very exhausting. This experience improved my leadership skills as well as organization and patience skills. Being the security thought me a lot about responsibility and how to treat younger children. I am looking forward to participating in this event next year.  

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